Nasuha Husni

i'm gonna smile like nothing's wrong, pretend like everything's all right,act like its all perfect,even though inside it really HURTS.

~ NH ~

~ NH ~
Nobody's ever loved anybody as much as I love you.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

im sorry

Posted by Nasuha Husni | at 12:15 0

i know i have been ignoring you for a while..
i'm sorry...
its not you..but it's me..

i haven't forgot about our good time,trust me or not i always remember everything
but i can't keep it like this..
 its hard to think that you wont be around me after this and i don't want to hurt you...
i'm scared..

i have to go...
far away from you..
you know it hurt me too??
i have to stop seeing you
texting you
calling you..
stalker your tweet..blogger..
and everything...

i keep thinking of how much i love talking to you..
how good you look when you smile..
how much i love your laugh..
replaying pieces of our conversation..
laughing at funny thing that you said or did..
I've memorized your face and the way that you look at me..
i catch myself smiling again at what i imagine..

i wonder what will happen the next time we are together and ever thought nothing will come out of this..
i know one thing for sure..
for once...
i don't care i cherish every moment i have with you...

i always make a mistake..
A LOT of mistake..
sorry i had to let you go but i couldn't hold on anymore..
it kills me to let you go but its even worse to see that you don't care at all about me..
you mean everything to me..
the more i hold on the more i'm get hurt..
i want you to know that i really love you...
i hate the fact that you can never be mine...

* a million feelings, a thousand thoughts, hundreds of memories all for that one person NANBM

~saya tunggu awak 3/5/2016~

Sunday 12 May 2013

Ya Allah

Posted by Nasuha Husni | at 14:49 2

Ya Allah..

Seandainya telah kau takdirkan dia milikku...
tercipta buatku..
Dekatkan lah hatinya dengan hatiku...
Tetapkan lah kemesraan antara kami..
Agar kebahagianan ini kekal abadi

Dan Ya Allah
Seiringkan lah kami mengharugi hidup luas ini..
Tetapi Ya Allah yang Maha Pengasih..
Seandainya telah kau takdirkan dia bukan milikku..
Bawalah dia pergi jauh dari pandangan ku...
Luput dari ingatan ku
Dan peliharalah aku dari kecewa
Serta Ya Allah yang maha mengerti
Berilah aku kekuatan..
Melontar banyangannya ke dada langit
hilang bersama senja nan merah dan gelap pekat awan agar aku bahagia walaupun tanpa dirinya...

Dan Ya Allah
Biarkanlah yang hilang 
tumbuhkanlah kembali yang telah patah
Meskipun tidak sama dengan dirinya ...
Biar sekuat mana aku menyintainya
Aku pohon agar Tuhanku
Melenyapkan perasaan ini..
Sekiranya dia ditakdirkan bukan milikku...

Tapi sekiranya dia ditakdirkan untukku
Kupohon agar takdir memperkuatkan kasihku padanya
Selagi tidak melebihi kasihku padaMU... 

Amin :')

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